Federalist Governor Roger Griswold Signed Document Congressman, Judge and Governor who refused President Madison's call for troops in 1812
Roger Griswold who wrote and signed the document here was an interesting and accomplished public servant in early Connecticut history. While Griswold was Governor from 1811 until his death in October 1812 the state was dominated by the Federalist Standing Order and was very hostile to the Republican national administration with its embargoes and war with Great Britain. When President James Madison requested of Griswold the use of Connecticut's militia to defend the United States Griswold refused because he said the troops were not necessary to "repel invasion." The dispute ended up in the Supreme Court which upheld President Madison. The same anti-Republican sentiment led to the Hartford Convention in 1815 which gave such an unpatriotic impression of the Federalist Party that it was doomed to extinction. Griswold is also famous for his 1798 altercation with the Republican Matthew Lyon on the floor of Congress, the first such fight to occur, but not the last.
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